Luxury Hotels Scotland, Edinburgh City Center

We are always on the look-out for Luxury hotels Scotland, and when we found the Roxburghe Hotel. We were not disappointed !!!. located on George street and a stone’s throw away from princess street and almost next door to Edinburgh Castle. The hotel is ideally located. We were so close we could see Edinburgh castle from the window in the hotel !!

luxury hotels scotland

5 Great places from Asian to Pub Grub, where to Eat in Peebles ?

Where to Eat in Peebles We have fallen in love with Peebles market town, it has some great places to dine and we have only scratched the surface. we are always on the look-out for where to eat in Peebles on our many visits. 1. The Prince of India (first visit) We first tried The

The Old Red lion

We where invited by some friends to check out a pub in Welham called The old Red Lion. Situated in the small village of Welham we weren’t expecting anything typically special, boy were we wrong !! When you enter the pub, you are first struck by the amount of cars parked, we couldn’t find a

Tikka Tikka Restaurant Scarborough. Super Dining

Great dining experience at the Tikka Tikka Restaurant Scarborough.  Whether we are on Holiday or on business we are always on the look out for great places to eat, we found the Tikka Tikka Restaurant Scarborough, whilst staying on an overnight trip to Scarborough’s coastal area. The Tikka Tikka restaurant didn’t disappoint it had amazing food and at